Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Last Supper

Having discovered that Leonardo Dicaprio was not the painter of The Last Supper Mister Squeaky was filled with a sudden rush of inspiration (fuelled I might add by Turnip Brandy and a few chasers of rhubarb schnapps) and has rushed off his latest masterpiece - revealed below in all its glory.

As you can see there is one minor flaw with the picture, in response to my criticism I have a direct quote from the artist.

"If he'd come round here for the last supper he'd of got sausages because I like sausages, everybody likes sausages - so what if Jesus was Jewish the sausages could be kosher, and it's meant to be a picture of a supper - not a bunch of disciples stuffing themselves, if it was meant to have disciples filling their faces I'd have called it "Disciples at the Trough"

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