Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Musings on Yule Eve

Almost Yule and the beginning of the new year and I'm wondering what it will hold this time? There are some things that I'm fairly certain of, and others that are perhaps just a bit of wishful thinking.
In respect of work I'd be nice to be earning some more money and if all goes well with work then there's a fair chance of that happening, and then there's always that little bit of extra income from taking a few snaps and if I'm really lucky there might be some half-decent gigs to go to as well.
As far as anything else goes it'd be nice if certain people who claim to be friends actually stayed in touch a bit more regularly - but there's little chance of them even noticing because I don't think they even bother to read this drivel of mine - well it's their loss not mine.
And tehn of course there's the dreaded course - Registered Manager's Award, looking forward to meeting some new people but not looking forward to the work, this in part might be because they have already specified that you need coloured dividers and some of those useless plastic things for putting papers into. I'm just waiting until teacher hands out the safety crayons and tries to involve people in experiential learning Oh dear!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I discovered your blog completely by accident about 3 months ago, and I have read it regularly since and I love your sense of humour and look forward to the next installment of Mr. Squeaky's antics. I just wanted to say thanks for brightening my days and hope you have a good Yule and Mr. Squeaky dosn't consume too much turnip vodka. P.s. Im not a nutter honest!