Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Pluses and Minuses

Due to some rather ominous whirring noises issuing from the computer I decided that perhaps the cd drive needed replacing - so as in the words of the late Lesley Crowther "The Price Was Right" I decided that a bit of more modern technology would not go amiss so dutifully trotted off to nearly out-of-town computer bits shop and got a DVD burner and some blank disks.
All went remarkably well in inserting the drive and attaching the wire bits to the back and sit back to install software - this is where it all starts to go horribly wrong, anyway after a number of false starts, and the removal of troublesome software get the thing working only to get pictures but no sound - more software removal and alls well except that whilst I can write DVDs on the computer I can't play them back - although other DVDs work perfectly well. This may be something to do with the bloody things being either + or - but I can't honestly find out what the difference is - not that I want a technical answer.

And now the annual Christmas appeal - send your unwanted little goth minxes in little black dresses to the usual address

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