Thursday, October 12, 2006

Get Your Goodies Here

Every year the dreaded festival of money (xmas) seems to start ever earlier and you can usually get an idea of this year's "must have" toy/accessory/item to be forgotten five minutes after opening and exclaiming "How wonderful a [insert name of overhyped item here] It's just what I've always wanted. How thoughtful of you"

Anyway always being one to cash in on a good thing (or not so good thing as the case may be) The Dark Adapted Eye (TM) research and development team (well just me and the Bat) have come up with a range of "Tasteful and Decorative" Winterval goodies (hopefully never to be manufactured) for all you discerning consumers .

Our first offering for the youngest member of your family is MyLittleSqueaky - a Not quite so Giant Rubber Goth Bat with educational features - in this case razor sharp fangs and a terminally bad attitude - stick you fingers in his mouth and watch them disappear - very educational in that it teaches kiddies not to mess with animals so that they won't grow up to become the ginger bloke who torments snakes. And you don't have to worry about getting the right size batteries - the MyLittleSqueaky is entirely self-propelled and will refuel from your drinks cabinet so stock up on the turnip brandy (available in 500 ml and 1 litre bottles, 25 litre drums and 25,000 litre road tankers from SqueakyDirect - don't delay and buy today!)

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