Thursday, October 12, 2006


There are some things which are clearly designed to gladden the heart of a manager - one of the top experiences is when you receive a letter of resignation from an employee that you really can't stand and you have no legal way of getting rid of them because despite them being a total fuckwit they haven't actually done anything sufficiently naughty to be sacked and they have a good sickness record so you can't give 'em the elbow on medical grounds.
It gets even better when they have asked someone who they believe to be highly educated (so what course was it that your son did at Uni? Clearly it must have been a subject in which the English language was not essential...) to write the letter for them - and I quote "....and working with you all has been an experience that I will never forget..."
There again I am rather a cynical old thing and perhaps I am just reading a little too much into it...

Incidentally has anybody got a copy of Protect and Survive? - Mister Squeaky is now frantic as he hasn't been able to build a nuclear fall out shelter although I suspect that he is already radiation proof from drinking all that turnip brandy.

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