Monday, September 11, 2006

Plans Afoot

We have a little bit of a local controversy over planning at the moment. The local authority in their wisdom have granted permission for four houses to be built on the site of a rather old and extremely unlovely water tower - a building which I cannot imagine that even Kevin McCloud would have a good word to say for. Victorian utilitarian excresence at its worst.
Just out of extreme idle curiosity and total boredom I decided to look it up on the good old interweb and found of all things a copy of the minutes of the planning meeting relevant to this development and this contained the objections of the local residents to the building. Excuse me whilst I resuscitate Mister Squeaky - he's been laughing so much after reading these objections that he keeps forgetting to breathe. My favourite was the one from number 68 (directly opposite the site) "A loss of amenity and green space" - Well mate to be totally honest I'd look a bit closer to home - your front garden is a tip that would embarrass even Albert Steptoe and the minute area of lawn that you have looks like a family of foxes have had a picnic on it. Then there's number 70 "I won't be able to park in the road outside the front of my house" My advice to you is leave the work van at work and then you'd be able to park on your own personal hard standing. "It's a listed building" Oh no it isn't and there are better examples of Victorian industrial buildings to be had.
Can't wait for round two when they start construction...

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