Sunday, April 13, 2008

Charity Begins....

Before you get me wrong there is nothing wrong in raising funds for charity per se. But if today's idiot parade is anything to go by there should be something done about the way people go about fund raising and it's all down to the respective charities to do something about what I would consider ethical fundraising. For example my boss's daughter recently did a bungee jump for her birthday because she wanted to and decided that it would be a good opportunity to raise some much needed cash for GOSH (although this should not be necessary in a decent world), and to me this is perfectly acceptable. Now take the case of the man who decided to raise some loot for his favoured charity (which I suspect may have been for body builders suffering from steroid induced dementia) by wandering up and down Walthamstow market balancing a stack of beer crates on his chin - for goodness sakes what's that all about other than trying to get in the paper to make you feel good about yourself?
So we come to the London Marathon which is looking more and more like a parade of badly drawn football mascots - why on earth do people think that their charity will benefit if they run 26 miles dressed as a cornish pastie or a portaloo - why not donate the cost of the bloody outfit directly as it's probably worth more than the run is going to raise.

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