Monday, March 03, 2008


Whilst idly listening to the various candidates for the mayoralty of London bleating away about how they were the only sensible choice to rule over our fair capital I suddenly realised that they are completely interchangeable and no one would really notice any difference whatsoever - unless of course you are one of the chosen minorities which receive excessive patronage from the GLA at the expense of all the other minority groups who are considered to be less politically desirable - and who are suddenly in imminent danger of losing all funding for that crucial study into the sustainability of your own brand of hubris.
At the end of the day it doesn't really matter who you vote for the same old stuff is going to happen i.e. let's spend the first two years undoing everything that the previous administration has done, even (please note carefully) if it is something that actually benefits us and then the next two years wasting money on things which are considered essential by the mayor (but not I hasten to add by anyone else).

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