Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Hampering Investigations

I'm a little bit puzzled by some of the stuff that is coming out of the inquest into the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Apart from a certain amount of expected conspiracy theory stuff from the bloke that owns Harrods we have had the revelation that MI6 go shopping there for hampers. Not very damaging to national security but definitely a curiosity worthy of further investigation. Who do they send the hampers to - is it a gift to their favourite surveillance subjects at Christmas? Or is it some way of rewarding spies who are working their way up the pyramid to get to the coveted "00" status? I think this is a much more important matter to solve than trying to unravel the tangled allegations of a certain Egyptian gentleman that everybody, with the possible exception of the Dalai Lama, was involved in the plot to assassinate Dodi and Diana....

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