Monday, January 14, 2008

New Beginnings

Cower now Brief Mortals for I am returned from the sleep of a thousand tears! Or if you prefer 'ello mates its me Mister Squeaky refreshed from my rather contentious hibernation. The master says that Giant Rubber Goth Bats are not meant to hibernate as it says so in Old Squeakies Almanac and Booke of Ye Days and even if they do they are not meant to take over the airing cupboard or try to bite people if they get mistaken for a coat hanger, still it does you good to get away from it all and now I can reveal my plans for world domination - first of course I have to get some kind of pet with white fur to stroke whilst cackling insanely - again the Master has been a spoilsport as he's put his foot down and said that I can't have a polar bear even if it's mother doesn't want it. Then I've got to threaten the world governments with some kind of international catastrophe - the only problem with this is that they all seem to be trying so hard to do it themselves without the intervention of a Giant Rubber Goth Bat Criminal I'm going to have to go back to the drawing board on this one...later loyal subjects

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