Saturday, December 29, 2007

Spot the Terrorist

This week Ms Bhutto was killed in a suicide attack. After this event certain world leaders decried it as being "cowardly", I'm afraid to say that whilst it was anti-democratic, brutal and devastating for friends, family and supporters the one thing it was not was cowardly - after all if you are going to attack someone who was reportedly well-guarded and surrounded by their own supporters it needs a certain amount of courage to do so.
Whereas ordering your troops into hostile territory to face the enemy in a country far, far away whilst staying safe in the capital of your own country and trotting out the same out dogma about the war on terror every time is not considered to be cowardly and invading a country destabilising its economy you have destabilised and destroying its infrastructure is not an act of terrorism. Clearly it depends on who's telling the story as always.

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