Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mister Squeaky's Musical Challenge

After minutes of furious planning I am pleased to announce that Mister Squeaky has very generously decided to sponsor a musical challenge, however he's not being quite so clear as to what the prize might be or even, for that matter whether there will be one apart from the satisfaction of having wasted your time in fruitless enterprise.
The challenge in itself is very very simple, although (as most things Mister Squeaky related are) in rather dubious taste. Note that you do not have to be a musician and original music is not required. Very simply all that is required is a list of 10 songs which would go to make up the soundtrack to an imaginary porn movie and a brief synopsis of the plot and when each song would be used. Points will be awarded for skill and originality. Good luck. Yours ears will probably never forgive you.

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