Thursday, February 01, 2007

Walking over Your Grave

I'm currently struggling with filling in a form for the Commission for Social Care Inspection, this is mainly because as always it's tearing open old wounds - the business with those scum who I used to work for in particular, and I'm therefore not in the best of humours as a result. Especially when you re-read the stuff that people said and did behind your back, still this is something I have to do and hopefully this is the last time I'll have to re-visit it.
That said there is now a wonderful opportunity for revenge, the company I work for has been offered another care home in the same area that the Really Scary Circus operate in - Oh what fun that's going to be because my intention is to make sure that we provide such a good service that no-one will even think of placing someone in the care of the clowns and we take all their business - divine retribution I believe it's called. Much as it's nice to picture someone squirming on the end of a hook as you torment them in a million and one ways, using legitimate and ethical means to take away their livelihood seems to be so much more satisfying.

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