Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Art of Confusion

Got text from Little Hippy Mate today - would I consider doing promo shots for a band. Ask silly question - money is, after all, money and it doesn't matter where it comes from so long as it's going to end up being mine. Anyway have responded in affirmative and asked for band to email me with a creative brief - I'm looking forward to receiving this as have never heard of the band and could not find them on the interweb - however they appear to share their name with a whole load of things including a variety of spicy snack, a company that manufacture (amongst other things) compost turners, and a type of aerial for CB radio - so I have absolutely no idea of what sort of music they play, how many of them they are, what they look like or what sort of image they have.
Somehow I don't think we're on a darkwave/ebm tip here though...

Mister Squeaky, you may be pleased to know, has made a full recovery from his bout of alleged bat 'flu and is feeling much improved. I understand that the fire brigade are hopeful that they should soon be able to get the veterinary nurse down from the telegraph pole where Mister Squeaky chased her - and I so warned her not to call him cute too...

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