Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Action Figures Directe

Mister Squeaky is one disappointed Giant Rubber Goth Bat at the moment, he got far too excited when he heard there was going to be a range of Steve Irwin action figures, only to discover to his dismay that neither he nor the stingray were included in the dangerous animal accessory pack. I told him that seeking fame was not a good idea and just look what happened to La Goody, made by the media, broken by the media and now allegedly in celebrity rehab at the Priory (that's Dagenham not Roehampton at my guess)

Anyway we got to thinking about the whole action figure idea and came up with a solution to the current government's lack of popularity - New Labour New Danger Action Figures (TM) with such hazards as being caught offering a peerage for cash, finding that you've accidentally released the Yorkshire Ripper from Broadmoor and he's got a clean CRB check as well and is now employed as a supply teacher, accidentally shooting someone for being aggressively Brazilian and waking up in the morning to find that you've been outed by Peter Tatchell. Should go down a storm with the electorate.

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