Friday, December 15, 2006

Purely in the interests of being a bit nosy I've been trawling around myspace looking quite randomly at other people's profiles - in particular I've been looking at their photos, just to see how this ties in with their description and blurb. Oh dear me there are some tales of woe out there - one of the worst of which was not the photos of the "plus size glamour model" (incredibly fat bird) from Romford - but the comments from her oglers - sorry I meant to say perverted pals "It looks like you're making love to the camera". Not from where I'm sitting mate - it looks like you need to clean your monitor and get an eye test - that or your guide dog's having a real laugh at your expense.
Then there are those with pink twinkly bits all over their pages who say that they want to work with animals and save endangered children or whatever who have a gallery full of over cute kittens hanging out of wicker baskets or puppies looking at you with soulful eyes. Makes me want to vomit.
At least I have a tasteful picture of Mister Squeaky and me...

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