Saturday, November 25, 2006


I have some questions, the first is that as the news is full of speculation about the death of that ex-KGB agent and the suspicion that it may have been politically motivated (oh and aren't our police/secret agents/Uncle Tom Cobbeley an' all doing a wonderful job) what is actually going on that the powers that be don't want us to know about?

Secondly why on earth is there so much fuss about that woman who worked for BA who broke their dress code and then claimed she was being discriminated against because of her religion (a religion which incidentally condones discrimination against other faiths) ? She clearly broke the company's rules, has caused them a severe public relations embarrassment and has given some rather ill-advised interviews. Guilty of gross misconduct in my view - sufficient for instant dismissal.

Finally why on earth are the papers all advertising expensive christmas crap whilst at the same time telling us to watch our spending? Double standards rule OK

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