Friday, October 06, 2006

Train to WTF?

Had to do some teaching today about rights and responsibilities and all that stuff. Pleased to report that I managed to completely horrify all and sundry with origins of human rights legislation and nearly had 'em in tears when describing the T4 Aktion and the Doctor's trial. Honestly don't give me boring sterile and politically correct teaching material as approved by about fifteen different Quangos - its bad enough that you have to try to deal with Skills for Care, City & Guilds, NVQ, VRQ, LSC, "Train to Gain", CSCI, GSCC and so on without having to tow the official politically correct line as well. I mean what's the point of explaining that someone has the right not to be subjected to inhumane treatment (Simon Cowell et al take note now!) if people don't understand that in the past this same treatment was often considered to be beneficial for people with mental health problems - you know the sort of stuff - chain 'em to a wall and let them sleep in their own excrement and then charge spectators an admission fee to see the lunatics...

Whilst we're on the subject of training can anybody suggest a suitable NVQ for Mister "No Formal Qualifications" Squeaky as he's decided that he needs to enhance his career prospects and he's already banished his gremlins - well strictly speaking he's rounded them up into a corner and scared them to death with his rendition of "The Birdie Song"

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