Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Super-Sized Problem

The government are concerned that everybody is eating too much and getting super-sized, therefore there will be a significant drain on the health service for the care and treatment of fat bastards' diseases. What they need to do is take the bus journey I did this evening to see the cause of the problem and a very simple solution as one of the minor advantages of using public transport is that you actually get (if you're lucky enough to be able to get a window seat) to see all those things that you wouldn't if you're driving because of paying attention to the road (of course!)
In the space of about a mile along Seven Kings High Road there are countless fast-food outlets, of which only one can be approved of because it's the famous Jakes of cooked fresh while you wait walk off the calories on your way home fame. There is fried chicken from most of the states of the Union (although looking at the staff they've neglected Eastern Europe and Somalia as an inspiration for names - Warsaw Fried Chicken anyone?), a number of establishments described as Kebabish (almost like a kebab but not quite I guess) and a halal chinese, and the thing is all of these places seem to be doing a good trade. Junk food makes yer fat, selling junk food makes big money. Tax the food, tax the restaurants = pay for the healthcare and reduce the number of people eating the stuff by making it cost a whole load more. Move over Gordon Brown.

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