Sunday, October 29, 2006

Elvis and Me

Mister Squeaky is a really big fan of conspiracy theories. He says that Elvis does work in the local chip shop and that if you sing the first two lines of Suspicious Minds properly you'll get a free pickled egg (though I think that this might just be to shut him up), he also tells me that there really is a number 38 bus on the moon, parked next to the american bomber, the moon landings were filmed in hollywood, Kennedy was abducted by aliens in revenge for the Roswell autopsies and you'd be really surprised if you saw what they kept in Area 51...oh and the Loch Ness monster is really the spawn of Cthulhu
So you can imagine how his evil little rubber heart leapt with joy when he discovered a local conspiracy theory. Now I don't know if you've ever head of the SS Richard Montgomery - it's an American Liberty ship which ran aground off of Sheerness and broke up in 1944 - and it's still got about 1,400-1,600 tons of TNT aboard. There is a belief that the reason that is was not completely unloaded was that it's got a load of mustard gas or worse on board, also should the load go bang it'll break all the windows in Sheerness and Southend-on-Sea (just like a normal Friday Night down there then) and that Al Quaida are just waiting until the time is right - presumably after they've bought a controlling interest in Everest Double Glazing. See ( for more information.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Liberty ship ss richard montgomery is a time-bomb waiting for a terrorist to give Britain its first real tsunami and, maybe, worse. This film shows what can happen when a government conceals something very dangerous from its own people.
Fact: The US explosives carrier Richard Montgomery sank in the Thames Estuary in August 1944. It was loaded with 1500 tons of explosive munitions. The Admiralty decided to leave the wreck and its dangerous cargo undisturbed. The wreck lies just a few hundred yards offshore between an oil refinery and the several towns. Southend on Sea is just a couple of miles away on the other side of the Thames estuary. Rumours about the ship and its cargo have circulated in these towns ever since. Denials have been issued by ministers in the House of Commons in response to MPs questions about the presence on board of biological, chemical and gas warheads. Nevertheless, rumours persist that the real reason the wreck was not made safe was because of the existence of ‘dirty weapons’ on board.
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