Friday, September 01, 2006

Tasting Notes

Having just finished a bottle of beer that had been made by badgers (well that's what it's got a picture of on the label), mind you from the taste it might have been made of badgers but that's quite another story. I decided in my foolish wisdom to read the label on the back which went on to give tasting notes in the style of the little lamented "silly Jilly" Goolden who used to rabbit on about wines tasting of things like pine disinfectant and diesel fuel - makes you wonder how she knew what these things tasted like - but it takes all sorts.
Anyway having established that this beer apparently tasted of grass and melons (not beer which was a surprise) I then discovered that it was a happy accompanyment for freshly caught trout - as I didn't have any of the aforementioned fish immediately to hand it might account for why I found this this beer somewhat less than satisfying. I blame the Campaign for Real Ale myself...

"Landlord a pint of your finest ale - and put a smoked mackerel in it if you would be so kind"

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