Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Finest Staff?

Just had to nip down to Tesco's for a bit of late night emergency shopping - near disaster - Mister Squeaky'd run out of bat food and we don't want an irritable Giant Rubber Goth Bat on our hands now do we? Anyway what surprises me most is the staff down there - and the terrible attitude that they have. It's about time they woke up and stopped being quite so rude - perhaps they should realise that at the end of the day the people that they annoy are the people who actually pay their wages and that customers will vote with their feet i.e. no customers = no job = no money.

Incidentally Tesco's now appear to be selling ready to put to bed children - I saw someone at the checkout with a trolley loaded with a small child of indeterminate gender dressed in pyjamas - judging from the appearance they weren't from the finest range of goods either...

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