Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Conflict of Disinterest

I have the joy of a training day tomorrow on "Conflict Resolution" I am also fairly sure of the form it will take. Regrettably there are a considerable number of "trainers" (and I use the term loosely) who seem to labour under the misapprehension that learning should be fun. Now I really do not understand the logic behind this - I'm going because I have to, not because I want to spend a whole day in close proximity with a number of other equally bored people playing party games that would seem juvenile to the average three-year old all because the trainer is stuck in the bizarre belief that you can learn things by throwing a ball to each other and shouting the name of a vegetable and then calling this a communication exercise and thanking everybody for "sharing"
Personally I think I'd learn more by being given the training manual and going and sitting in the shade and reading it quietly by myself.

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