Friday, February 09, 2007


Well stop my ears with beeswax and strap me to the mast! It's time to avoid the Brit awards again. I've cast my usual jaundiced eye over the list of nominees and I'm left asking the question "Why?"
The full list is too depressing by far, so what I want to know is who actually makes these nominations and, more to the point, would asking a family of musically illiterate chimpanzees to go into HMV and select some CDs at random be more effective? Somehow I think the chimps might actually do quite well.
I also see on the official website that the host is "man of the moment(!?)" Russell Brand, so we can expect some "off-the-wall" craziness. Somehow I just don't think its going to be anything like the quality of presenting shown by that unlikely pair of hosts Sam Fox and Mick Fleetwood who set a standard that the show has consistently failed to meet.

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