Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Do I Want a What?

Everywhere I seem to go on the web these days there is an advertisement of some kind for a thing called a "zwinky" which is something I didn't know I didn't want until I found out what it was. For your edification it is a small graphic thingie that lives in cyberspace and pretends to be you - the posh word for them is avatar. Mister Squeaky, who has emerged from the bathroom where he is working (unsuccessfully I might add) on the bouncing bomb project, was rather distracted and thought I was talking about something else said helpfully (and I quote) "Of course you need an abbatoir, how else are you going to get sausages?"
To be perfectly honest with you I think I'd prefer watching animals going to be turned into meat than have a virtual me to deal with...

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