Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I Can't Believe Its Not Cardboard

Unsurprisingly I'm made another dismal discovery - all new super improved recipe Krackerwheat crackers taste just like cardboard - and reduced salt cardboard to boot. So another success for the unstoppable march of progress. This always seems to happen when the manufacturers seem to think that they can improve on a product - either the taste is changed for the worse (I'm not sure but I think there may be a significant correlation (p<.001) between the days when they carry out their taste tests and the local Weatherspoon's having special offer on a curry and a pint) or improved means "we've knocked another 10% off the size" take Wagon Wheels for example, when I was little they would have fitted a wagon, these days you'd be lucky if they'd fit a matchbox car.
Then of course comes the bit where they claim that the improvements are because the producer is environmentally aware or is taking note of government guidance on healthy eating. What a load of bollocks - all they are trying to do is reduce the risk of litigation from irate consumers.

"Hello is that funeral-chasing money grabbing Lawyers'R'Us, I'd like to sue IncorporatedMegaFoods because I gained twenty-five stone eating their instaflab range of TV dinners and they didn't warn me that it was bad for my health" Sounds familiar?

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