Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Green Fayries

It's a hard and difficult task but someone has to do it. I refer of course to the onerous task of ensuring that the absinthe that you have bought meets the strict quality control standards that you, as a discerning drinker, deserve. So for the month of October I am prepared, free and for no money whatsoever, to taste your absinthe to ensure that it is up to scratch - and I'll even throw in the sugar cubes. How's that for generosity? Mister Squeaky is keen to assist in any way he can on this one and has even offered to take the corks out with his feet...

And seeing as we're coming up to the festive season does anyone know where I can get hold of a goth fairy to decorate a Samhain tree (Mister Squeaky's turnip brandy inspired idea) - not that I'm sure whether we're talking about a tree decoration or a tree decorator here you understand.

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