Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Wishing in the wind

Last year I issued a wish list - out of which I have got bugger all. This will not do disciples! I go to all the effort of creating stuff for you to worship and what do I get in return? Precisely nothing. Nil. Not even a proverbial sausage. This is now completely unacceptable and therefore I'm going to have to invoke my god-like powers (in the presence of alcohol anyway) and subject you all to a plague of bats - well one bat actually but he is very big, very annoying and will drool in your ears while you try to sleep. That'll learn you!

Anyway if you remember the main thing I was looking for was a little goth girl in a little black dress - so if you've got any to spare send 'em round rright now laden with suitable tribute - and if you don't -well it's your ears that are going to be filled up with giant rubber goth bat dribble - you can't say you haven't been warned....

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