Friday, August 25, 2006

Carnival of Madness

I've just had a terrible nightmare, you know what it's like when you've had a hard day and you're too tired and can't really take anything in. Now mix this with trying to read the local paper when you've got the news on the radio in the background - when you wake up you think you've read something dreadful. In this case I was convinced that I'd heard something about the awful Wilson (labour party candidate in local elections and a complete prat) wanting to organise a Chavwell Heath carnival as something to rival Notting Hill.
Now you can just imagine it, considering that the local tattooist is a nazi thug, the local pubs are the Axe and Swastika and the Eva Braun you get an idea of our local brand of multiculturalism - I can just picture it burberry covered floats, a parade of large men in bomber jackets and combat boots with chunky gold sovereign rings towing dogs alleged to be staffordshire bull terriers (but looking suspiciously like pitbulls) and sound systems belting out whatever chavs listen to at uncomfortably loud volumes.
Not my idea of fun.

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