Tuesday, July 25, 2006


I seem to recall telling you all a little while ago that I was patronising the arts - the commissioned piece in question arrived today courtesy of Olivier as promised and has lived up to expectations. The work in question is now duly framed and hung on the wall - viewings by ticket only, form an orderly queue, refreshments are available (assuming you like cocktails based on turnip liqueur which has been smuggled into the country by a very naughty bat indeed)
Anyway the question which is bothering me at the moment is "Modern art. What's it all about when you get down to it?" I'm really not sure having seen (ahem) "an installation representing life and death in West Cumbria" this was basically a light shade made out of discarded skull x-rays from Whitehaven General, a pile of haematite and coal, a flashing light and the sound of a heartbeat - my very cynical view is that its a case of let's see how much bullshit the gullible are prepared to accept - a new suit for the emperor anyone?

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