Saturday, July 29, 2006

Deutschland Uber Alles

As we all know German music is somewhat dreadful, isn't it? Look at some of the stuff that we have had to endure - Nena and her Neun und Neunzig rote luftballonen, anything by The Scorpions (who in my view at least invented mysogynistic metal), an assortment of really dreadful power metal bands and how can we forget this year's Eurovision entry (Australian country and western - whatever happened to national pride?).
Anyway to prevent further bush beating let's get to the point - most contemporary German Music is total poo (but at least it's not Dutch dance music - and the least said about the Swiss the better) and then you find a few treasures that make you reconsider your opinion - so if you're disillusioned with the crap we get at the moment like the Kaiser Monkeys and r'n'b by numbers for the hard of listening give yourself a treat and listen to Blutengel and Lacrimosa...

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